Basic Seller Instructions

These are the basic instructions so that you can successfully create on our platform

You will find the registration LINK in our footer or in this button:

Step 1 Register on our platform

Remember to register with the real data and contact data of the administrators or the responsible contact in charge of Ecommerce of the store.

The platform will confirm if you have this username available, remember to use secure and secret passwords

After this you will have your account created

Step 2 Complete the basic data of your store

Now you will start a guided process from our platform to help you complete your store.

Placing a description of your store will help people to know more about you and your business, it describes your store in a simple and clear way.

Step 3 Tell us your payment method, to send you the money for your sales

Choose the method of bank deposit to be able to send you your money after the sales.

Remember that you can choose paypal or bank transfer, check the TRANSFER RATES ON OUR PAGE:

Step 4 Policies of your store

Describe the different policies of your store, if you do not have them you will take the default ones from

Step 5 Enter the customer support data of your store

Put the real data of your store so that customers can contact you

Step 6 Tell us the keywords for your store

Enter the keywords, short words that help with the positioning of your store and so that they find it easily in searches inside and outside our platform

We have a special section for these keywords in social networks, with images of your brand to make it look more professional.

Step 7 Share the Links of your social networks

In this panel you will have the option to place the Links of all your social networks, remember that if you still do not have them you can do this later

You are ready, you have finished your basic configuration, you can now start creating products within

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